1G of House Kief
25mg x 4 THC Gummies
1ml Vape Cart
AAA 1/2 Ounce
How does it work?
It’s simple! All you have to do is make an order of at least $150, and you will receive an option during checkout to choose your gift. Spend more to pick a better gift!
Are there any limitations?
Here are the limitations:
- Only 1 free gift per order
- Your cart total must be above the tier amount AFTER discounts
- Any form of abuse on the system will result in Green Society withdrawing the free gift from the order
I didn’t receive my free gift in my order, what do I do?
Don’t panic! Get in touch with our support and provide your username, email, order number, and description of your problem. We’ll get back to you as soon as possible.