Flash Sale Ounce Specials
For a limited time only take advantage of our Flash Sale Ounce Specials! We’ve compiled some of our new favourites along with our classic strains for you to pick from. Choose any of the selected strains (28g) from both our AAA+ ‘The Green Room’ and AAAA+ ‘Top Shelf Collection’ catalogs and discover your new favourite! Regardless of whether you pick your regulars or decide to try new strains, you’ll be certainly satisfied with the quality and money you save!
It's always some very nice stuff !
The best deal for your buck !
It's always sime very nice stuff !
The best deal for your buck !
Nice stuffs !!!
Awesome stuff !
Wow !!!
There is a reason they call it a flash deal :)
I love the choices of strains, and how prompt the orders arrive!