Sugar Cookie
Sugar Cookie
“Sugar Cookie is a relaxing indica-dominant hybrid with an aromatic sweetness that is likely to have influenced this strain’s name. You might think this hybrid belongs in the same family as the famed Girl Scout Cookies, but its genetics say otherwise. Sugar Cookie is a three-way cross between Crystal Gayle, Blue Hawaiian, and Sensi Star, together passing on the resinous qualities of a Northern Lights ancestor along with tropical fruit and berry flavors. Your new favorite midnight snack may just be this indica Sugar Cookie, as it delivers a deep, full-body calm before lulling you into deep sleep.”
Smoking Weed
Once upon a time, cannabis consumption was considered a taboo act, and unacceptable in society. These days, the appeal of marijuana is stronger than ever, and the act of smoking marijuana itself is a very common occurrence – even Barack Obama once admitted to trying the ganja saying “I didn’t inhale it, and never tried it again.” Studies done on cannabis usage in America have shown that 64% of Americans are in support of the legalization of marijuana nationwide. Lucky for us Canadians, the Cannabis culture is widely accepted and even openly celebrated. Our relaxed attitude and values towards weed has embedded cannabis as a norm in Canadian society.
Indica vs Sativa
With thousands of years of history and such a wide abundance of strains available, it is important to know the differences between indica, sativa and even hybrid strains to find out what is most suitable for your own personal needs. Simply put, indica strains and sativa strains differ in their physiological effects and their appearance. Hybrid strains are the result of cross-breeding both an indica strain and a sativa strain together to create a new strain in itself. Because each cannabis strain is so complex and different from one another, it is hard to classify the three phenotypes or variants by their effects alone.
Hybrid Strains
In such a growing and experimental industry, science has made it possible for the creation of new strains to meet the unique demand of consumers. Hybrid strains are created when geneticists or growers cross-breed pure indica strains, sativa strains or other hybrid strains together to create a new plant, and they can lean towards either being indica dominant, sativa dominant or an equal 50/50 balance of its parentage. What is different about hybrid plants compared to indicas or sativas is that the range of effects are endless. Hybrid strains are very complex and can be bred to contain both sativa and indica characteristics, making them great for those looking for the best of both worlds, in a sense.
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