10 Benefits & Uses of THC

Uses of THC

Uses of THC Learn from us, You can now consume marijuana in all kinds of different ways, from the traditional method of smoking a joint to fast-acting cannabis oils. While marijuana is made up of many cannabinoids, THC is the main chemical component known for making you high. However, not only does THC give you some intense psychoactive effects, but there are also many benefits & uses of THC which make it fantastic for medical use.

Naturally, anyone who’s ever consumed THC in any form will have noticed that it can have some powerful relieving effects for both physical and mentalpost symptoms. But in addition to the obvious benefits of reducing pain and stress, it can also prevent the risk of all kinds of health problems and have some other interesting benefits in the long run.

It’s now legal all over Canada to use marijuana and THC products, and there are many different ways to do so. And whether you choose to use THC for recreational use or to help with medical issues, you’ll still get a wealth of great benefits from the substance. Here are 10 benefits and uses of THC which make it even more worthwhile to use.

1. THC Relieves Pain

The most common medical use of THC is to relieve pain. When you smoke cannabis or take THC in another form, you’ll quickly notice the powerful pain-relieving effects it has for the body. It can give you fast-acting relief for all kinds of painful symptoms and physical tension in general, making it very effective for a range of conditions.

THC helps with pain by activating the body’s endocannabinoid system, which can block pain signals from being sent to the brain from the central nervous system. Studies show that medical marijuana can help treat chronic pain, neuropathic pain, and spasticity. A study of medical cannabis patients also found that patients with painful conditions commonly reported that cannabis helped relieve their symptoms of pain and improved their quality of life.

THC is now used for all kinds of pain, including in conditions such as Arthritis, MS, fibromyalgia, and injuries. It can also help with general pain and inflammation from things such as headaches, migraines, and muscle aches.

THC Reduces Stress and Anxiety

2. THC Reduces Stress and Anxiety

THC is not just physically relieving, but it also has some powerful relieving effects for the mind. Many people now use THC to reduce mental distress from things like chronic stress and anxiety. Many strains can help instantly bring on a more mentally calm and tranquil state, making them perfect for counteracting mood disorders.

A study in the Journal of Affective Disorders found that cannabis could help reduce anxiety and stress rapidly. It took only two puffs to put users in a much better mood, counteracting symptoms of anxiety. The study found that medical cannabis users reported a 58% reduction in anxiety after use.

It can have some drawbacks. Some users report that smoking too much marijuana can increase their anxiety and paranoia. However, when used in moderation, it can often help relieve symptoms of anxiety. High-CBD strains of cannabis appear to be the best for counteracting anxiety and stress.

3. THC Can Help With Depression

Much like with anxiety, medical cannabis can often help reduce depression. Depression commonly affects all kinds of people- the World Health Organization reports that over 300 million people of all ages suffer from depression worldwide. It can cause negative moods which reduce motivation, affect sleep and appetite, and cause many other negative symptoms.

A study found that in addition to helping with stress and anxiety, cannabis can quickly counteract symptoms of depression. It found that just two puffs of cannabis could quickly reduce depression, with users reporting a perceived 50% reduction in depression after use.

It’s also helpful in the sense that THC can help with many of the causes and symptoms of depression. It can help improve your sleep, boost your appetite, and put you in a better mood. All of these things can contribute to a healthier mind and less risk of severe depression. Sativa strains generally seem to be the best choice for depression due to their stimulating qualities.

THC Fights Against Cancer

4. THC Fights Against Cancer

One of the most impressive benefits of medical cannabis is that it can help fight against cancer. Cannabinoids have powerful anticancer effects. Research shows that cannabinoids help prevent the growth and spread of cancer cells, helping to reduce the risk of cancer.

Both the THC and CBD in medical cannabis can help with cancer. Many studies show that these cannabinoids work well in unison and in addition to fighting against cancer, they can also help with many of the symptoms commonly associated with cancer. For instance, they can improve appetite, boost mood, and improve sleep in patients with cancer- especially those dealing with chemotherapy.

While THC should not be seen as a cure for cancer, using medical cannabis in conjunction with other treatments such as chemotherapy appears to help significantly with patients’ symptoms and improves their quality of life.

5. THC Reduces Nausea and Vomiting

Another useful benefit of THC is that it can help reduce nausea and vomiting. Due to its antiemetic effects, many patients use it as a way to reduce nausea and prevent vomiting. It’s particularly useful for patients who have regular symptoms of nausea and vomiting- for instance, it’s often used to stop vomiting in chemotherapy patients.

Research shows that THC can help regulate nausea and vomiting due to its manipulation of the endocannabinoid system. In fact, THC treatments have been used for years to help with these symptoms. For instance, a 1995 study found that administering THC-8 to child patients could help prevent vomiting entirely.

It should be noted that overuse of marijuana or THC can actually cause side effects of nausea and vomiting. However, in lower doses, it appears to have a much more positive effect and can effectively reduce these symptoms.

THC Protects the Brain

6. THC Protects the Brain

THC often gets a bad reputation for affecting your brain health. Although it may affect your memory in the short-term, studies suggest THC has some potent neuroprotective properties. In other words, it can protect your brain against injuries and illnesses.

Research suggests that THC can act as a neuroprotective oxidant, protecting the brain against various neurological disorders. In addition to the benefits THC can have for your mental health, this actually makes it very beneficial for the brain.

Even more interestingly, a study found that THC can protect against brain damage. In fact, the study discovered that people with THC in their systems were up to 80% less likely to die from traumatic head injuries when compared to those without THC in their system. These studies show that, when used in moderation, THC can actually have a very positive effect on your brain health and even protect against brain damage.

7. THC Helps With Sleep

One of the most prominent effects of cannabis and one of the most common reasons people use it is to help with sleep. Many strains of cannabis can have fast-acting sedative effects, making it easy for users to mellow out and sleep. It can be particularly helpful when it comes to issues such as insomnia and other sleep disorders.

Research has shown that THC can make insomniacs fall asleep much faster and even decrease the likelihood of waking up in the middle of the night. Not only can it help with insomnia, but it can also have a positive effect on other sleep disorders. For instance, a 2013 study found that THC can improve your breathing while you sleep. This can help significantly with issues such as sleep apnea.

It also helps that THC can help with many of the causes of insomnia. For instance, by reducing stress, anxiety, and pain, users will find it much easier to get to sleep and also sleep much better.

THC Boosts Your Appetite

8. THC Boosts Your Appetite

All users of cannabis will be familiar with “the munchies”. THC has an effect on certain hormones in your body which can rapidly induce feelings of hunger. As such, you’ll often find yourself feeling the need to eat when you’re high.

While some might see this as a negative, it can actually be helpful in many cases. For instance, one study found that THC made food more appealing to cancer patients. Not only did it boost their appetite, but it enhanced their senses and made food seem even more enjoyable. THC has also been used in the treatment of eating disorders such as bulimia and anorexia.

Some users may worry that the munchies may cause them to gain weight. However, on the contrary, many studies have found that cannabis users are actually less likely to be overweight. A large-scale study of over 50,000 subjects found that cannabis users were 8% less likely to be obese. Another study found that cannabis use was linked to lower BMI. With the ability to increase your appetite while still regulating weight, it appears that the munchies can be a huge benefit of THC.

9. THC Has Antioxidant and Antibacterial Properties

THC also has antioxidant and antibacterial properties. In fact, cannabis plants are said to produce THC to help protect themselves against pathogens and other potential threats. These properties can also have many benefits for the human body, protecting against numerous health risks and even improving the skin.

A 2015 study on mice found that THC could change their gut microbes. This improved their digestive system and resulted in reduced weight gain and body fat levels in many mice. Research also shows that THC can help with the treatment of various GI disorders such as Crohn’s disease, irritable bowels, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. It can also help with body weight management.

Its antioxidant properties can also help damage to the cells. Research suggests that THC can improve skin health, reducing inflammation and infections in the skin while also having an anti-aging effect.

THC May Improve Lung Capacity

10. THC May Improve Lung Capacity

One of the common concerns about smoking cannabis is how it can affect your lungs. But while smoking is not necessarily good for your lungs, research suggests THC may actually help with your lung capacity and breathing.

A 2012 study found that exposure to marijuana was actually linked with higher lung capacity. Using in moderation seems to be the best approach- those who smoked around one joint a month had healthier lungs. THC has also been used in the treatment of asthma. Research shows it may actually help asthma patients with their breathing.

These studies suggest that THC can actually have a positive effect on your lung health and breathing. It also helps that, nowadays, you have many options when it comes to using THC without smoking. For instance, you may want to use THC Oil instead of smoking a joint or even vape cannabis instead.

How to Use THC

If you want to reap the benefits of THC, there are many different ways you can do so. While smoking weed is the most common approach, there are various different products and even more methods of consumptions you can choose from. Here are some of the ways you can use THC.

Smoking/Vaping – Rolling your favorite strain of cannabis flower up in a joint or blunt is a common way to consume THC. However, as an alternative, you can also smoke weed in a bong or pipe or even vape it. Many users now use vaporizers and vape pens to heat up their product without creating smoke. You can also vape cannabis concentrates and vape cartridges.

Edibles – Edibles are a fun and hassle-free way to consume THC. They come in all kinds of forms from gummies to brownies. All you need to do is eat these to get the effects of THC, although they can take up to a couple of hours to kick in. Edibles produce much stronger effects than smoking cannabis, so it’s important to start with a low dose to assess your tolerance.

Tinctures – Tinctures are another quick and convenient way to use THC. You simply apply some of the THC Tincture under your tongue and hold it there for a minute or two to absorb the cannabinoids before swallowing. These can also produce strong effects and provide fast-acting relief for many medical symptoms.


There are many benefits & uses of THC beyond just enjoying it for recreational use. Along with the smooth euphoria and relaxing effects, it can also improve your mental health, reduce physical distress, and even protect you against many health risks. With many ways to use THC, there’s something to suit everyone who wants to reap the benefits.

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